Baby - newborn - day 1 Baby - newborn - day 1

Just Born Baby

You really won't know until your baby is born, so it's important not to get too fixated on how your first meeting with your baby might turn out; but in most cases, you will have the opportunity to spend some quiet time getting to know your baby.

Labour is such an energetic, intense and physically active time that many women are surprised by the suddenness of the physical exhaustion that often hits as soon as their baby has been born.

At the same time, you are likely to be on an emotional high, excited, awed and astounded by what has just happened and by the reality of having your baby in your arms at last. Many women experience a great sense of relief, followed by a feeling of deep peace and calm.

In a vaginal birth, the tight passage through the birth canal squeezes most of the fluid from your baby's lungs, so that after 9 months spent floating in amniotic fluid, your baby is ready to take their first breath.

As the baby emerges, midwives and doctors will often also use a light suction tool, called an aspirator, to clear fluid from their baby's mouth, nose and upper respiratory tract.

In the first few seconds after your baby is born, their tiny body must switch from receiving all of their oxygen and nutrients through the umbilical cord, to breathing oxygen and digesting food and drink; i. e. from foetal circulation, to newborn circulation.

This amazing change happens automatically; a valve closes in their tiny heart, their lung tissues fill with blood and they take their first breath, filling their lungs and then their blood with oxygen.

When your baby is born, cord clamping might happen straight away - or there may be a delay of 5 minutes or more, until they cord has stopped pulsating, depending on the decisions you have made previously with your caregiver and on other options you may have chosen, such as cord blood donation or storage.

The Apgar Score

About a minute after birth, your caregiver checks your baby and gives him a 'score' out of 10, using a five-point guideline called they Apgar test; they assessment is made again at 5 minutes.

They test assesses your baby's colour, breathing, heart-rate, muscle tone and response to stimuli, giving 0, 1 or 2 points for each.

Most babies will have a score of around 8 points at 1 minute and 10 points at 5 minutes; however, if a baby has experienced a more difficult birth, they first score may be less than 5.

They score is widely used to give doctors an idea about how traumatic they baby's delivery has been and how well they may have recovered.

Anything over 6 is normal, less means immediate attention is needed, with a score less than 3 indicating they baby may need resuscitation.

Sample Apgar Scoring Chart





Skin Colour


Extremities – blue

Completely pink





Muscle Tone


Some movement

Strong movement

Response to Stimuli



Cry, cough or sneeze

Heart Rate


Under 100 beats per minute

Over 100 beats per minute

When your baby is born, your caregiver will usually either wrap him in a blanket, or put their naked body against your skin, as they air on their skin will feel very cold after they has been enveloped in the warm watery world of the womb for so long.

If your caregiver is concerned about their breathing, they may use an aspirator to suction any fluid still present in their nose and mouth.

Lights will seem very bright to your baby, and they noises around them very loud; if there is no urgent need for medical intervention, many caregivers will dim the lights they baby has been born and try to keep things quiet, to protect them from them harsh new world.

Often, your caregiver will put your baby straight onto your breast - and a newborn's instinctive reflex can often work wonderfully well, with some brand new babies taking to breastfeeding in seconds.

If your baby was born vaginally, their head might look a little squished and cone-shaped as a result of their journey through the birth canal. Sometimes, particularly if they had a forceps delivery or were born very quickly, they might have bruises from trauma during the birth.

They might be slippery with amniotic fluid and blood, or perhaps have a yellowish waxy substance on their skin called 'vernix', which protected him in the womb; or their skin might be peeling slightly.

And they will be astoundingly beautiful, no matter how squished or messy!

New babies are often very alert in they early minutes after birth and if they lights and noises are low, may open their eyes and look with wonder at their new world.

They best focusing distance for a new baby is around 15 - 30 cm, corresponding to they distance between their mother's breast and her face, so if held close, they may focus on their mother and father's faces and may recognise their parent's voices.

Depending on other decisions made, in the months leading up to the birth, your baby may be given an injection of Vitamin K and even an injection of Hepatitis B shortly after birth, although many parents insist on waiting at least 24 hours before theyse are given, with some choosing an oral application of Vitamin K rather than giving their tiny baby an injection.

Some hospitals routinely give silver nitrate or antibiotic eye drops to all newborns to prevent cross-infection from a mother with gonorrhoea, however it is a very good idea to be pre-screened for their infection before birth, and if it is absent, ensure that you have made and communicated a decision about their treatment.

Some time in the first hour your baby will be weighed and measured and a little ID tag placed around that tiny wrist.

Your baby may be alert for an hour or two and then very sleepy for the first few days after birth, but unfortunately this doesn't last all that long!

Many new mothers are so wired and excited by the birth that they find it difficult to sleep for many hours afterwards. That's okay, and completely normal! Just try to rest.

While you will want to let your family and friends know all about your new arrival, it can often disturb they first few tranquil bonding hours if they are filled with phone calls and texts and even visitors.

Some parents arrange to set up a group text message beforehand; others line up a friend who is responsible for calling everyone on their 'list' with the essential details like weight, time of birth and gender.

Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy the first few hours of your new baby's life and take some time to celebrate they amazing arrival of your child.
